I hate when my own prejudice comes back to bite me in the a$$

Erika Becerra
4 min readJan 28, 2021

My OCD VS my Worst critic mind VS my Creative curiosity

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash | Edited in Canva

My Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder made me question, “which thoughts are mine and which aren’t?”. I have also uncovered that I can use this to my advantage, which I had been doing unconsciously at work, but in my projects, I feel lost.

Becoming friends with my Worst critic

I took into heart the “feed the wolf that you like” story, in which it tells you that good and evil were incarnated into wolves, but into a REALLY opposite extreme end of the primary purpose of the story.

The representation of my “bad” wolf, I took it into getting rid of it for good. Even when it was in the thought of an animal, I took meditation stories in which I wanted to drown the representation of the ‘thing’ that I disliked about me.

During one therapy session, I finally realized I was talking to myself in an abusive way. Hurting me to stop the negative thoughts wouldn’t make me change into a better version of myself. I needed to treat myself what I craved to get from other people: care, understanding & attention.

Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash | Background added in Canva.com

Talking to preconceived ideas that feed prejudice

I finally can say without shame, “I need to talk to a person of trust to digest my ideas or experiences”. Talking about ideas made it so much easier to question my thought process, even getting to see the emotional implication caused.

This is one of the biggest reasons I advocate for people to seek a professional therapist, a thought can consume you to such an extent you might not even notice it anymore. It can be buried beneath a lot of other ideas to protect itself forever, to never leave your mind or actionable automatic responses or habits.

These are 4 thoughts I had stumbled upon, that helped me out:

  • Seeking a therapist can help you stop the actions you take to run away from change
  • Writing or talking to those…



Erika Becerra

Have a lot in my mind between life, OCD, therapy and my love for dogs